Bases 24 Background to James Casbolt Part 6

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Published on 14 Nov 2015

Thanks to Dave Starbuck, during the edit of Bases 24, he by shear ‘coincidence’ found a cassette tape, he planned to use to record over. It was unlabelled, and just as my computers crashed as the V2K event happened,(refer to Bases 24 part 4) he called, and said it was his James Casbolt interview in 2006!
He posted it, and so now this tape, referred to in this Bases, is available. Now included in “The early years of James Casbolt”, with thanks to Dave, who with his “Revelation Tapes” remains a pioneer in getting people to wake up. A brave pioneer, I salute, and give thanks to.
And so:- The Dave Starbuck interview with James Casbolt, from 2006, (Audio only). This recording gives a vital insight into Casbolt and the Barry King data originally made available on VHS tape in the late 1990’s as “Bases 2 parts 1& 2”

Category: bases