Bases 24 Background to James Casbolt Part 4 Ver 02

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Published on 12 Nov 2015

AL-499, Peasemore, Barry King gave us an unbelievable story in The Voice papers, which I helped print, in 1994. A secret US operated ‘alien’ transhumanisation base in Berkshire revealed itself as real, with the secret abduction craft 184ft wide, The ‘Firefly’, showing itself to the Grid Keeper.
He tells how they were twice abducted at Peasemore, and tells his tale here. Then at Balmoral Castle, with James Casbolt, Gridkeeper and 2 others, one a secret director of the CIA this account tells of actual possible direct contact with Her Majesty the Queen, (who got a black bloodied eye that day) at Balmoral. This and more, with helicopters near Stonehenge getting within 10ft of the witnesses’ car… All such whistle blowing by our services. Why..maybe they have something they can never tell, but for us to find out.. while we still can.
Part 1 of 2 , with Duncan Davis, The Gridkeeper giving this interview in August 2013, telling his part of the James Casbolt story

James Casbolt’s early years, with a flash of a BlueBeam at St Ives…. Gridkeeper.. aware of of the Scalar energetics of our ancient monuments..Inter-dimensional technology from our ancient past… and the TR3B-Alpha abduction craft…. making itself known, seen and on video tape, and those phone calls from MI5…

During the edit, a call is received an the first known recording with Casbolt is discovered. This will be part 6…