Bases2016 Day 1 Session 1 Open and Death of Max 2nd edit

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Max Spiers died in Warsaw around July 16th 2016. This shocking news is discussed and analysed with his ex girlfriend Sarah R Adams who describes a specialized technique on re-engineering Alters, something which has been suggested happened to Max after he died. The actual cause of death remains unknown, and it suggested it was simply a death from a ruptured ulcer.

Conference sponsor Miles Johnston opens, and replacement to Christine Joanna Hart, who was to chair the Max Spiers section, in this Session 1, by her friend Paul Stevenson, a scholar in religion and Christianity from Northern Ireland. Very strong statements made over the Zionist agenda. Paul’s contribution was cut back due a 3 hr delay in starting the event.

Former Bases Facebook forum moderator Tajinder Gill hosts Sarah Adams section, and some short clips are played, of Max’s final weeks in Poland, which was covered by the Poles, in 3 interviews. Links shown on thsi edit.

Category: bases