Bases 54 Part 2 Rainette Jones TI

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Published on 9 Mar 2016

Targeted Individual Rainette Jones, a former United Nations legal employee, is a Target. We commence her witness statement in the Bases TI series, with this introduction. We discuss her background and where her origins and roots are.
She has multiple MRI and X-Rays showing the numerous implants in her brain, skull, teeth and lower bones. (Will be in her 2nd and 3rd statements)
Recorded via Google groups, in New York, and Wiltshire. Part of a series within the TI Bases witness statements. With Thanks to Kieron Lee Perron for his work in getting Rainette to make her witness statement.

This further illustrates the march towards Human full Cyborgization, and the abuse of covert technologies, showing humanity’s future as a free thinking independent race is extinction, “Our”future and now current use as a slave cyborg race under the control of who and what installs these implants.

Category: bases