Bases Update Fast Blast 011b

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This event has passed, please refer to the August Conference at

Tony Topping will be delivering his vital new lecture on “Saga”.

The extreme controversy over Casbolt-Prince’s appearance is provoking EXTREME reaction across the forums and the internet.

Refer to Bases 36 for insights by Mikkaal on this subject and more.(and Bases Update 11c)

This is fast blast update, If you have issues with what James Casbolt – Michael Prince has to say, or what has been going on with the Bases Project Mannequin, Puppet-master, Oak-tree time travel issues, the This is the first chance for people to Talk and Discuss this. Refer to Bases 1,2,4,7,9,23 and 25, and Any Briggs’s material.

See also Tony Topping’s and Jeff Scott’s Ammach and Bases interviews
and lecture presentations
11:45am April 27th, The Barge Inn, Honeystreet, nr Pewsey. with Targeted Individual and BBC Conspiracy Bus participant Tony XXXX, and Bases witness Jeff Scott, also a TI and abductee-implantee.
This series of issues involves very hurt and damaged people and Mind Control, Population Management issues,Cloning, Trans-humanization and the ultimate demise and cyborgization (GREYS) of humanity. All in Crop Circle country.. not far from those bases Barry King talked about 20 years ago. The Boscombe Down Greys…..

Confused you will be, so come on in and attend this unique event. Space is very limited so please book via website. £5 on the door. Please email to give us an idea of numbers. Fee is to pay speakers travel costs as best we can.

More updates may be available.

The Bases Project / Miles Johnston is not responsible for or condones in ANY WAY statements made by Casbolt-Prince in other media or forums. This interview (taken from the yet to be published BASES 24) is to address those comments and statements as a report into this subject in general.

Category: bases