Bases 52 Kieron TI at Probe

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Published on 28 Oct 2015

We have Kieron Lee Perrin who is a British TI, or Targeted Individual. He has MRI scans showing his large Type 25 implants.(ref his Blog) Now his latest data is this is an inter-dimensional issue, involving octoforms…spiders. The Super Soldiers are Inter Dimensional Soldiers, where time and coherence logical straight line thinking simply does not work. We have a problem, a BIG ONE.

Features a short pre interview, before the Brussels Targeted Individual Conference, in Nov 2014, where the late Dr Rauni Kilde made her final public appearance before her assassination in early 2015 (She was a ‘Gas Lighted’ killing).

Kieron spoke at the Bases Project International Conference in 2014, and later at Probe (Replacing James Casbolt)

NOTE:- The main camera with the mics ran out of media, that’s why we start with “only 30 mins”, we had to scram and get to airports and the train. we just finished with the Go Pros. Its why I said thats it..but Kieron wanted to keep going. We didn’t have the time. It was time to scram.

The Probe conference is renowned for utterly god forsaken terrible sound. Try hearing what they say when you are actually in the hall! Its been a massive issue with this conference, situated in one big echo chamber. Yes its TERRIBLE, nothing we can do.

Kieron Lee Perrin gives the first “BASES TI” targeted Individuals briefing, starting a new genre in the Bases project, for those who can Prove They ARE TI.
This was recorded during the move into a new facility for the project, and the fun of the Jedi Painters from Croydon started this brief chat with Kieron, as the SD card had only 30 mins of space.
Kieron was to join British TIs in the Brussels Targeted Individual conference later that month (Nov 204). But couldn’t make it.
It was here the brilliant Dr Rauni Kilde was to make her final public appearance before death by assination occured later in early 2015. (Rauni fell ill from an aggressive cancer just before Christmas, and was already showing signs at the event).
Just before this edit, Kieron explained for saome hours on the phone how the Super Soldeisr are used in an Interdimensional War, where we are under attack from a shape shifting spider form, that takes over humans ( ref Harald Kautz Vella). The supers soldeirs are on mission. It has been explained to Kieron he is a soldier. The war in other dimesniosn involves massive time differences between this one. So frequently he can suffer from injuries incurred in those dimesnion, with no apparent clue as to how he got them. There is more to be explored here.

Category: bases