Bases 23 Michael Prince Part One

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James Casbolt as Michael Prince gives his first interview, the first in 5 parts, of highly emotive and some would say involving race related issues,since joining the US military, and doing a required training tour of duty. Now out of the military, and with his first child born, he gives this first interview to Miles Johnston, in 2013. References to material covered in the Anya Briggs interview, Barry King and Bases 4, 7 and 9.
Covering the Fourth Reich, various blood lines and the Diamond Spiders of Jupiter’s Moons, and a special metal recovered by supersoldiers, on one of Saturn’s Moons using Portal and Gate technology.
SciFi or Disinfo? as usual caution is advised.
This is Highly Emotive and requires Adult and coherent viewing. Part One of Five

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