Bases 19 After Gina by Marie Kayali Part One

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In Part One of Five Marie describes meeting beings of light in West Kensington, London, in a massive pyramid type UFO, as she empathed with a small UFO that came down and contacted her.
Marie goes on to describe how after her many attacks, after going public in the AMMACH Project, her daughter’s life was “suicided” after contact with Gang Stalkers, and her ultimate death in late 2012. The whole 9 yards of infiltrated and accessed Police and Emergency Services and corrupt nonhuman judicial institutions are revealed.
In simple terms we have a “They Live” scenario, except worse.
the first victim of disclosure with The Ammach Project.
Part 1 of 3.
This reveals the complicity of the relevant services with enemies of humanity, and those who seek to strike humanity down.
Part One of Six
Miles Johnston has no connection with Joanne and her AMMACH, effective May 2013

Category: bases