Doors open: 10.00am – Saturday 20th May. (Talks start at 10.30am)
Tickets Available at Eventbrite – £30
Miles Johnston, producer of the day’s events, will open the day, giving context to what is to follow:
Tina Bird is an expert in alien abduction, as a lifelong abductee and international author who grew up in Southampton, Hampshire.
Her talk will look at the real cost of abduction to humans and the factors of this and addresses safety issues and lack of protection and help.
GARY HESELTINE – NON-HUMAN – The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incidents: 42 Years of Denial
A deep dive into Rendlesham Forest mystery – What I discovered.
His major new talk, will be in two parts, and features his just released book “NON-HUMAN The Rendlesham Forest Incidents: 42 Years of Denial’. Gary was born in April 1960 in Scunthorpe in Lincolnshire in the UK. He served in the Royal Air Force Police (1983-1989) before spending an almost 24-year career in the British Transport Police (1989-2013).
Gary was a Home Office trained Detective Constable for 19 years working on all manner of enquiries including murder, manslaughter and rape. He became an advanced police interviewer of witnesses/suspects and was involved in the London Bombings terrorist enquiry as a specialist interviewer of first responding police officers.
In January 2002 and whilst still a serving police officer he launched an unofficial national database for police officers reporting UFO sightings in the UK: (www.prufospolicedatabase.co.uk).
Following the sudden death of UFO Magazine editor Graham Birdsall in September 2003, Gary launched his own online ezine called UFO Monthly.com which ran for 41 issues between 2004-2007. He then spent 12 months as the co-editor of UFO Data Magazine (2008), a subscription based printed magazine.
In 2010 he was presented with the PRG Disclosure Award in Washington D.C. by Steve Bassett for his work with police officer UFO reports.
In 2012 he was given the Exopolitics Great Britain Award for his work with police officer UFO reports.
Based on his police experience Gary has examined the best evidence from around the world and concluded, on a circumstantial evidence basis, that some UFO sightings are real and act with intelligence and likely to be extraterrestrial or non-human in origin.
In 2013 he retired early from the police to create UFO Truth Magazine, a 96-pagebi-monthly ezine and created especially for those people who believe that some UFO incidents involve ET/non-human intelligence.
The ezine features articles by many of the world’s leading researchers, including Stanton Friedman (Can/US), AJ Gevaerd (Brazil), Roberto Pinotti (Italy), Grant Cameron (Can), Bill Chalker (Australia), Suzanne Hansen (New Zealand) and Tim Good (UK) – to name but a few.
In April 2013 he spoke on behalf of police officers worldwide (who had experienced UFO sightings) at the Citizens Hearings at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. Link to Youtube video.
On May 25, 2021 he became the Vice President of a new international organisation called the International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research (ICER) that comprises scientists, academics and leading UFO/UAP researchers from around the world.
In February 2023, after a five-year re-investigation of the Rendlesham Forest Incident (Britain’s most famous UFO event), his book ‘NON-HUMAN The Rendlesham Forest Incidents: 42 Years of Denial’ was published. Many researchers are calling it the definitive book on the case.
Personal Life
On a personal note–Gary is in a relationship with Jane and he has two adult daughters from previous relationships called Jamie and Kayley.
He also has two grandsons by each of my daughters called Lev and Oliver respectively.
Contact information
Email: heseltinegary@hotmail.com
Skype: prufos
Tel: 07970 364368
Speaking about the ETs, his experience of them and how he channels them.
Alexander has much experience of working with the Arcturians, an ET group in contact with various people on Earth. His channellings are published on Youtube and are supported by his best selling book on the same subject.
Mark Pilkington is the author of Mirage Men (2010) and Far Out (2207), and has written for a host of magazines, journals, web sites and anthologies. Mark is also the founder and co-director of the acclaimed independent publishing house Strange Attractor Press (www.strangeattractor.co.uk), and makes electronic music with Teleplasmiste, Luminous Foundation and The Begotten.
Mark is also Co writer and producer with John Lundberg of the film, Mirage Men.
Mark will present some cases of interest. An excellent opportunity to chat with Mark, and on the major film, Mirage Men – plus those crop circles, for “Perception Management”.