Bases at the IUFOC 2015 Clifford Mahooty

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In the 3rd of the Ufo Congress backroom interviews, native American Elder and scholar, Clifford Mahooty gives some crucial details as to our origins, the existence of many different types of extra dimensional beings, and the poisioning of western society by the elite, with the drugs, false spirituality and with the Beatles in the early 1960s. He outs the “New Age” scam for what it is, and vitally, explains in a few brief remarks how the balance of the dark forces from the 3rd world, is no longer stable. Ending quite abruptly as he had further interviews, we hope to do a greatly detailed interview with Clifford at a future point. Also see Mark Pilkington, Ray Hernandez of “FREE”, and Rosemary Guiley

Category: bases