Bases at the Barge Michael Prince 2nd Edition

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Michael Prince, aka James Casbolt gives his first ever public scrutiny talk at The Bases At The Barge mini conference in April 2014.
Update Jan 2015:- James has pleaded guilty to a number of charges and now faces a lengthy jail sentence. By his choice he did the crime and and pay the time, and he COULD have pleaded not guilty and many people would have been called.
By his choice is to go to jail, and follow his mission.Saving The Children?
A further interview just before his first major court appearance in Truro was done in August,
Update July 2014:- James Casbolt was arrested for possession of Cannibis, and faces court on July 28th.
Warning:-! This is an EXTREMELY complicated case, and all parties need to be careful. Analysis indicates the work of a very dangerous predator here, with Casbolt just one of its victims. His alleged wrong doing is widespread and is so blatant it must be an indication of other targets involved.

Bases completely dis-associates from the activities of Michael/James online in certain forums. This edit and public statement and his earlier interviews are retained for research and public information requirements.
What he is going through now is sad and sick, and we wish him a healthy and speedy recovery to a better world and better life.(June 2014)

This was the first and only opportunity to question Casbolt in public.

He was scheduled to speak at UK Probe conference, St Annes, Lancs,in October 2014, where members of the public could have again challenged is statements in an open and free forum. Due to online social media network issues this offer has been withdrawn.

All statements by him are his own and have no backing or support or are shared by Miles Johnston-The Bases project, this is a researchers project and data and presentations by witnesses are done so in raw format so they may provide a data base for academics and researchers.
The opinions and views expressed at or through the Bases Project are the opinions of the designated speakers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of Miles Johnston(Bases Project) or the opinions or views of any other individual.

Category: bases