Bases 37 Part 5 C Max Spiers Disclosure

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Max Spiers details the “Vampire Virus” the wars of the aliens brought to earth, by the alien elite that has now taken control of all high levels of office across the earth. A virus which killed huge numbers of the warring Draco and Nordic type ETs in a war fought over a 100,000 years can only be sustained by the ritual killing of human babies.
Something Casbolt mentioned in Bases 39 recorded in late August 2014, here mentioned by Max on July 13th 2014. Both men are part of decades of programs where children are taken to underground bases in the UK, for programming with and by Nazi ET and terrestrial warring factions.
Bases 37 Part 5 is cut into 3 captioned sections so the researcher can get a hold of the vitally important detail in these Bases Disclosure interviews.
The scale of these issues must be comprehended and fully appreciated.
See also Cathi Morgan’s data and take on board the fact humanity is being farmed so these creatures can sustain their control over the earth’s domain.
The reasoning behind Jimmy Savile’s actions must be clearly understood. He Gave something as he Took Away something…This VIRUS.
The entire 5 is available seprately.

Category: bases