Bases 18 Sentient Fluid Session Four

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In what is the most revealing and striking session, we discuss Soul Catchers and more. The concepts and terminaloly will be for the advanced researcher only. Once this is understood the seriousness, and the realities of what “Disclosure through Exposure” involves, and what Nazi Germany was doing in the camps in WW2. Control of the human lifedeath cycle. Here we expose just what could be going outside the human life cycle, and how the use of Soul Harvesting and other dreaful issues really mean, and the requirement for dumbing humanity down and using it for soul harvests.

What remains is the gathering of hard evidence to give Alistair’s claims a remote chance of standing up to the light of day.
Evidence from the sewers, of different life forms, and the hard data on this sentient fluid.
Also see his interview with Joanne Summerscales, when he gave an interview for AMMACH, now no longer connected with the Bases Project, since June 2013.