The Space Shuttle launches from T-9 to Meco series. or there abouts. I was able to get random recordings of the STS from when the satellite feed came up from the US. So we get the full unedited count before T-9, in most cases. Sit back and treat it as live. This being the 106th […]
Sandi Adams is a resident of Glastonbury, and has been educating and informing on the United Nations and WEF “Agenda” for years. Richard Vobes introduces her at this now increasingly popular series of talks around the south of England, by Sandi Adams. Sandi asked the Bases Project to drop by and do a recording.
Vladimir Terziski interviews the late Al Bielek in The Philadelphia teleportation and time travel experiments of the illuminati. from May 1992. 2hrs. American Academy of Dissident Sciences. This is the second interview of the series. Released from the Archives of Miles Johnston. Bielek discusses elements on the Montauk Project The audio issue we will try […]
Vladimir Terziski interview the late Al Bielek in 1992. In this 3rd interview (The 1st was never recorded) discusses The PhoenixProject. The American Academy Of Dissident Scientists. From the archive of Miles Johnston
Bases Restricted with Caroline Stephens’s edits of 2018, from the Stepping Stones to Awareness experimental channel from the Bases Project. Reloaded for researchers
Bases Restricted with Caroline Stephens’s edits of 2018, from the Stepping Stones to Awareness experimental channel from the Bases Project. Reloaded for researchers
Bases Restricted with Caroline Stephens’s edits of 2018, from the Stepping Stones to Awareness experimental channel from the Bases Project. Reloaded for researchers
In Your Head precision attacks, are in progress. These are very short burst attacks, subtle, and extremely precise. This is a wide spread attack, “in Your Head”. Blog ALERT message. I believe this is a precursor to a far wider primary attack