Bases 18 Sentient Fluid Session Three

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Session Three of four gives Alistair a hostile grilling asking where is the evidence? He reveals more connections with MI6, witch craft and his family’s interaction with the stars in showbiz, the military and his meetings with senior US CIA officers who have “dinner” with him in London. Many names NOT mentioned.
This was a long day for Alistair was is suffering from a stomach complaint, so bear with us.
We start on his Download abduction in Scrubs park, near one of London’s famous prisons, in Feb 2010
More in depth detail on how the air born virus, which the goo emits, accessed him and changed his DNA.
This is now a growing, and changing issues in West London’s sewer system, with a huge giant multilegged “centipede trying to borrow in his cheek. This is a similar implant Dave Marrow discussed in Bases 7. and Mike Oram.
Dave Marrow and another US Remote Viewer contributed more on the phone immediately after this 9 hour series was recorded

Also see his interview with Joanne Summerscales, who broke up Ammach in June 2013, which bases has no connection with.