Ammach Report 003 April 2012

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The AMMACH Project gives a 3rd update on its progres. With “attacks” on its personnel, and active “Black Huminoid” action. Simon Parkes,One of the AMMACH witnesses takes a full hit with a near fatal accident, when a car deliberately rams his car from the side. This involved a “Reptilian” agent from Turkey, a woman. The man who rammed Simon’s car came over and said “I had to do this,sorry”.
This reached many local and national newspapers.

Consequently This update was over several weeks and under some duress. We also found nout many other issues, such as the deliberate attack on Catholica populations in Northern Ireland with various types of pulsed microwaves, causing cancers. And the deliberate extraction of Vitamin B12 from breads made in specifica groups of bakeries in Englkand, and even as far away as India.(Not reported in this e3dit)
Various death threats were also made to Miles Johnston, after he gave a masively curtailed lecture at the Probe International event in Lytham St-Annes in March.