UFOAZ Robert Dean Part 1 The Teacher

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UFOAZ was a cable TV channel focused on UFO events in the Arizona region, hosted by Ted Loman. I met Ted recently (2019) and found that all his shows seem to have been lost. So This show about Bob Dean is from my personal collection. Part 1 of 2 features with Bob Dean
Ted Loman UFOAZ, host is dedicated to providing you with the most complete story when it comes to many subjects that is little truly known about. UFO’s and paranormal subjects associated with the stars are Ted’s specialty. You will find some of the most complex UFO cases on these tapes. Ted Demonstrated a number of times his willingness and ability to walk where few are willing to walk, to do what few are willing to do, and to speak out on what he has learned. You will find the tape enclosed in this box to be very enlightening and in formative. Thanks to Allen Benz, Mark Brady, Shane Eden, Dan Harrigan, ‘James’, June Scherrer, Smitty, and all the guests appearing on UFOAZ, Production company TCCC and the Blue Millennium (Andrea), 1725 E. Prince Rd, Tucson, AZ, 85719

Category: Stepping Stones