Sheffield Incident Max Burns 002

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Rushes of the final section of Max Burns compiling his 1998 report on video with Miles Johnston in 1998 about the major UFO events in Sheffield area 1997.
The final edit based on this video was seized by BUFORA and suppressed. Burns was thrown in jail on trumped up charges and the investigation of this major UFO incident and crash of a NATO jet suppressed for some years.
This ‘rushes’ material released for researchers to get some back ground in relation to an AMMACH witness who claims she was abducted by the huge triangular UFO featured in this report. It has NOTHING to do with Max’s current and previous work, based on Facts and Evidence.
Any current AMMACH report is purely based on unsubstantiated recollections of witnesses at the time. Should their claims come up with Evidence and Proof only then will it be considered as part of Max’s investigations.

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