Peter Aziz 30th March Promo

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PETER AZIZ: Healer, Shaman and Physicist

Peter Aziz, a British-born, Thailand-based healer and master shaman joins me to talk about his work bringing ancient and modern wisdom and healing to the public.

Peter has spent his whole life training in shamanism, healing, yoga, magick, and metaphysics, and learning from the faery kingdom. Peter also has a degree in physics and uses his scientific background to further expand his metaphysical teachings.

In his online and in-person courses, empowerments and healings he draws from Body Electronics, Dragon and Faery Magick, Rune and Crystal Magick, Javanese Magick, Egyptian Magick, Vodou, Aghori Tantra, Psionics, Dragon Reiki, Pueblo Indian Shamanism, Homeopathy, Herbalism, Acupuncture & Kinesiology.

Peter offers regular online free Q&A Calls and a free Take Back Your Power course and Manifestation Masterclass. Receive his Newsletter for details.

Watch his free Healing and Manifestation webinars here.

You can follow Peter on his website and his socials: Facebook Instagram YouTube Bitchute and contact him at .

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