Oh To Catch a Circlemaker 070707 PROMO

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DVD available from undergroundvideouk
Special infrared Cameras were focused on the East field in Wiltshire, looking for the secret of the Crop Circles. It was just after 3.00am with a flash of energy, all cameras went blank, and seconds later recovered. It was then that Co Witness Gary King and and UFO investigator Win Keech then saw the massive 1000ft by 500ft crop circle on the massive eastfield below them. These amazing events, the press conference, the radiation from the Apache army helicopters, the UFOs and more, with the counter arguement from the “circlemakers”, are all on this amazing Report of the events of that summer.
Music is copyright Energy 106 Belfast. & Nick Ashron, Wiltshire. DVD Copyright Miles Johnston Underground Video(uk) 2008. Full 1hr 30min DVD available via cropcircleconnector (UK),
from megawatts1066 (Author and copyright holder)

Promo Music is:- Breathing (Airwave) by Rank 1, From Energy Promotions Ltd, Belfast, on the ENERGY …New Trance Angels CD NRG101

Category: bases