Occult National Socialism Vladimir Terziski Dec 1992

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Stepping Stones to Awareness basics continues with The Satano-Luciferian Backbone pf the Nazi Philosophy and its alien and celestial masterminds. Features Chan Johnson, Al Bielek and Vladimir Terziski .
On the level of terrestrial secret societies, National Socialism, together with communism, fascism, Bolshevism and the new world order-ism are but different faces of the same old black wolf of global illuminism. Hitler was a channel for the “Giza inteligencies”. The extra terrestrial roots of Magic National Socialism run through Germany’s secret societies. The Thule, the Vril, the Hugin, the Templars, to half a dozen alien races. The Pleiadeans, the Orlons, the Grays, etc. They in their turn were subcontracting for the Agarthian faction of the Luciferian presence on the planet. That faction was in Hegelian “war” with the Shambalian faction of the same presence, for the further synthesis pf the Luciferian ideals on the planet.
Thanks to American Academy of Dissident Sciences

Category: Stepping Stones