Las Vegas Alien Bases Part 2: The Interrogation IUFOC 93

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British UFO Researcher RW took his time to watch the Vegas Desert area with care, and on Hi8 Video. His material is on UFO shows and YOU Tube around the world. But this horrific 1993 IUFOC interrogation was captured just after the Nights hypnotic and drug Interrogation, in a hotel Room in the old Showboat Hotel downtown Las Vegas, by Irish UFO researcher Miles Johnston.
Critical to this hour long interview is the intrusion, of what became known as Six Greys , and MILAB style Ultra High Multi Frequency Audio technology, detected by the camera, as mushy noise. The Camera’s Infra Red auto focus, tried to focus on numerous entities around the worn out and R-W, after his night of interrogation by some of the speakers at the IUFOC Dec 1993.
So important was this tape that Certain Psi-Intell Agencies in a number of countries got copies.
This was released in part, in BASES 2. Now released in part in YOU Tube in 2007. FULL DVD available.
The full interview after his interrogation is too disturbing, and is ONLY available to mature well experienced researchers.
DVD Bases 2 Take 2 available from undergroundvideouk