James Casbolt Bases 4 Promo

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This is available as BASES 4. New interview as Bases 9 2011 edition. It is now available on DVD, which has the FULL Interview. It will available to download from undergroundvideouk.com soon. Or buy it as a high quality DVD All further parts have been taken off.

Casbolt and King continue to provide updates via the Project Avalon forum. Implication is the new head of MI6 is rather older, and has a rather longer career path than most “humans”.
Originally Exposed by BARRY KING:- Now more data, more witnesses verify KING in BASES 2 Take 2, 3 Disc 7Hr DVD now available.Also known as Underground Bases in the UK & USA
All 4 Parts now posted, Full DVD available via Email. See coasttocoastam.com for radio interview in USA.
Casbolt makes extraordinary claims, similar to Barry King, previously aired in the Bases 1& 2 tapes, in the mid 1990s.
Casbolt, a claimed victim of the secret mind control programs based in Berkshire, is a professed ex MI-6 agent.
These claims involve the most horrific abduction & murder of adults, children, and genetic experiments and programs on victims of alien abduction by the Military (MILABS), making horrendous freaks and cross bred humans with GREY, and Reptoid aliens in underground bases.
Some under the Westminster Parliament area in London!
These shocking claims, must be investigated by the Police.. if we can trust them as not being involved in the first place.

This is Part 1 of a series.
Casbolt plans to publish a book on these unspeakable crimes, shortly.

Bases 1:- Barry King & Lisa W First meet, and reveal for the very first time.
Bases 2:- Includes King, Larry Warren (Bentwaters), Bill Uhouse (Area 51 etc)
Bases 3:- The Butler Report on the continued alien activity at RAF Woodbridge /Bentwaters Incident.

See Lawrence John in the Energy 106 Belfast clip, on how these mind control programmes are used, via normal broadcast Radio, and how the Pirate stations were able to block these Mind Control signals.

A DVD of this full Pre-Interview for BASES 4 will be available.