In this raw upload without vision and crediting addtions, we bring the Post NOVA raids up to date,(See Era 5) and the First Northern Ireland Pirate Staion, KISS FM. Built by Miles Johnston, and included in the Irish Era. This small station resulted in the 300KW Zee 103 and the 1.2Megawatt KISS 103.7FM, 1008 FM Mega Super Pirate KISS Monaghan. This ultimatley led to the Irish Peace Process… along other story. and it yes it invoklves so called Multidimensional Beings
Also featuring a courageous London Station,. Radio Jackie, which is now On Air to this day.
Many of the post NOVA stations mentioned. No one ever believed we could have had such creative broadcasting for so long.
See Era 7 for the ultimate and Final years of what was the most creative and inspiring era of english language broadcasting ever. Based in Ireland.
Era 8 is in Edit. and features the post 1988 closedown. With thanks to Stefanie Callister for her inspiration. This is the Pre SKY TV “I-T-S” years