An expedition meeting people I have never met, all to find Portals at the Matterhorn, and the city of SION, in Switzerland. Led by Contactee from Peru, Constanza. Many important findings here, such as the English speaking part of this multinational team having contact with Crusaders.
Much of this is shot on a Galaxy 2 Android phone, so apologies for the sound and the puffing.Much of camera gear went missing in the hotel, only to be found.after I came back to England.
The importance of what you do when opening Portals is mentioned. I felt very strongly that this was wrongh, and would not take part. We did not reach the portals at the Matterhorn, but hand a good day hike trying.
Bases at The Matterhorn!
Most important of all are the paintings, in SION.
Bases Project Update 013 Part One Portals at The Matterhorn
July 13, 2014 1:54 am
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