Country music lap steel guitar player Englishman Pete Wilsher was part of a country band, and had a gig at a USAF base in south of England. He played so well, he was the talk to the USAF pilots and crews, between gigs. He dared to mention the term UFO, after which point his life was to change..he was immediately taken under MP guard, to a part of the base underground. He was interrogated…when the man in charge said just hold off here, and de-escalated the situation. This is his story:- up close 10″ by 8″ colour photographs of ET, Man Made and other craft…..He was told to keep quiet, which he did, until he gave this interview many years later.
Up Close and unclassified UFO photos …The Real Deal.
This includes accounts of big UFOs, on the north side of the Thames estuary, east of London, where clearly a substantial ET facility is below the Thames
with thanks to Matthew Williams for co-producing and editing this Bases 40.