Featuring the late Bill Uhouse, and Melinda Leslie. Bill was a avionics control systems specialist for interfacing Alien Flying Discs for Human control interface, at what he desribes as “the Test Site”. This interview was Bill’s only television interview until Transmedia (London) interviewed him briefly with Niara Isley for the Area51 program, aired first on SKY TV London in the late 1990s. A program I consulted on, for SKY. Taped at the 4th International UFO Congress, in Mesquite Nevada. Uhouse desribes how his team would work witha EBE, Extraterrestrial Biological Enity called Jarod. Niara Isley’s interview is availble on a Bases 2 Part5 Extra DVD
Melinda discusses the book Camouflage Through Limited Disclosure Randy Koppang, which features Bill and Melinda, at 17th International UFO Congress, Laughlin, Nevada in 2008