David Griffin gives his final part of the ET elements of the Falklands war, bringing us to the present day with this section concentrating on this strange intelligent and aware “oil” with a disection of a major article from Godlike/Nexus on the military situation during the Gulf Oil spill. If true, it raises major concerns over this nano oil, and its ability of behave as an intelligent binary weapon.
An AMMACH Project ExoPoliticsUK Undergroundvideo Uk collaboration. Sentient Fluid
Now updated with Alistair Martin’s interviews with AMMACH and Bases 18
Starts with a brief recap of the Marconi deaths.
Ending with a brief stop press from an AMMACH/BASES witness gives data on how this oil can use its signalling capacity to gain access to the human biosphere, and collect data on a person’s entire existence, before exiting the body as a “black tar”