Now available in a DVD. Barbara Lamb gave a 3 hour presentation with Joey Lewles at the 2005 I-UFO-C, Laughlin. Many of her important case files were not presented. Here she gives discloses her OWN Reptlian encounters in her own home, and goes on to list several other cases in Section2 and 3. She gives a tribute to John E Mack, in Section 4 whom she assisted in his research, before he was killed in London a couple of months before this recording.
Barbara gives some important data on her OWN Reptilian encounters, and then lists some further cases for discussion and comment.
Dr John E Mack was meant to be part of the presentation, but was killed in London a couple of months before. She gives an impassioned tribute in part 4.
She for this to be released now. During the edit
Total running time is about 1 hr, and is available on a DVD from undergroundvideouk