Colin Woolford at the UFO Academy

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The Ufo Academy in Watford, formally Garston Manor, became High Elms Manor, which was the home of the UFO Academy, which ends at the end of September 2021. It may return, who knows.
Colin Woolford, and friend of The Bases project gave his first formal presentation at the the Academy in 2012. This rare file is reloaded, since Colin has now presented in other venues, and even asked to appear at UFO Mega-Con, Laughlin, Nevada, pre-lockdown in 2020.
Colin is an avid Movie Buff, and has many astute observations and background to many “must see” but not heard of films… and so on..

reloaded for posterity, and in celebration of the UFO Academy, run by Catrine O’Neil and friends.

Category: Stepping Stones