UFO Congress Backroom Interview 4: Dick French Part 4

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Project Blue Book insider Dick French is an ex US Fighter pilot and highly trained and educated in many areas. Study of extraterrestrials. Time Loss, person sits and does nothing, you can do this with mind control. Block/Lock your mind totally using Mind Control. It’s the way ETs shut you down. But People can do this a swell. If trained.
MIL-ABs Denied.
Extremely strong Psi transmitters. Mesmerise a crowd, make them do things, out of the normal.
‘Give me a child of 6 years and I’ll have him for the rest of his life’.
Psi Programming, Mind Control. Prisoner Interrogation:- Deep into the Black.
Multiple UFO contact commonly felt among crews:- early UFOs, C130 USAF transport over the Pacific, 800miles from Japan with 500ft UFO, with Alien types 600ft from the C130, Right up and close, could see many alien types on board.
DVD available from undergroundvideouk