Bases Project Update 007 with Michael Prince

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STOP PRESS :- James is now back in the UK, situation unstable.(Oct 01 2013)
The bases project update 007 with James Casbolt and John Urwin, and a round up of events, and the end of involvement with Ammach. Dateline is mid August.
Michael Prince was shot, as it is claimed, soon after the Super Soldier Summit.
A series of scandals and rumours broke out, and this EXCLUSIVE interview gives his side of the story. A DULCE alien base “holographic” type camoflage.
Casbolt coming to John Urwin to learn “The Machine”.
John Urwin is NOT accepting training to idiot space craft alien rubbish. He is accepting serious inquiries for survival and other types of military training, which requires candidates to be fit in mind and body, and not anroraks and scifi lunatics.

All as it happened in mid August 2013

Category: bases