Bases Update 10 Part Three: Sasquatch and the Djinn

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This update features both the DJINN and the Sasquatch. Interviewed at the International UFO Congress, Bases in America feature. And the announcement of the Bases Project Conference in Marlborough, Wiltshire.
Interviews with Keewaunee Lapseritis excerpt from Bases 35, on the Sasquatch. A further update with Rosemary Ellen Guiley, who tours the UK in the spring.
the new website for the project ‘’ features many YouTube playlists and the summer 2014 conference updates.
Best use Stereo. I cut the bass , due to wind and other factors
The sound at the Congress has a laugh water fountain in the background.
I’ll go back to stick mics next time, which don’t pick up so much back ground noise. Edited on the road in Wiltshire.

Category: bases