Sean David Morton, has been announced by Kerry Cassidy, to have passed away in hospital. He has been suffering from cancer and messaged me directly the hospital drugs against his cancer were killing him. He is one of the original key researchers into Dulce, and a major script and screen writer in SciFi. Writer of ‘The Sands of Time’ book series, and lately the ‘Vril Damen Diaries’.
A must Have Book series. He was key to the exposure of the terrible horrific transgenetic alien bases at Dulce. In the UK, its the multiple AL499- Peasemore and Farnborough labs and Marconi Defence bases. As exposed by the late Lisa Williams and Barry King, in Bases One, 1994.
Sean’s life support machines will be switched off on Sunday, Oct 1st, his birthday.
A special show will air from Project Camelot on 1st October the day of official death.
I only got to know the real Sean too late in both my life and his.
He is a Huge Loss to this ever decreasingly actual “Ufo” community. The rest of completely lost Ufoologists, are a complete waste of our increasingly “Less”.