Katherina Kavungu

Katherina Kavungu is a practicing Hypnotherapist, Regression Therapist and Trauma Releases Practitioner based in Dublin, Ireland. Over the years, Katherina has learned how to access a client’s deeper, unconscious mind and get to the root of their problems. Many of her clients, while under hypnosis, report having dark energies and earthbound spirits attached to their bodies and energy fields, creating psychological and physical problems. Some of her clients reported to have extra-terrestrial encounters. Katherina’s focus is to merge the complex dynamics of the human mind, emotions, body and soul towards an increased understanding of who we really are.

Talk: Entities Attachments & Energetic Implants &  Mind Control

Talk description:

The discovery of non-physical energetic beings attaching to the human body is a fascinating emerging field. Meanwhile, not only hypnotherapists, but also more and more mental health professionals which are familiar with techniques of hypnosis as well as energy healers around the globe are confronted with this phenomenon. Even though it is not well known in today’s western contemporary society, this phenomenon is as old as humanity. Katherina will discuss how she discovered that non-physical entities can get attached to our energy fields, how they influence our thoughts and emotions and create a false sense of reality. Katherina will share her personal experience with different types of human and non-human entities and will give insights from her work with clients.

Email: kkavungu@gmail.com

Website: http://www.hypnosisindublin.com/