Bases Update 015 Part 2 Film Festival

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FESTIVAL AND AWARDS are happening July 30th and 31st August 1st and 2nd, Theatre on the Hill, Marlborough.

Entries must be in by July 1st 2015
We had hoped to have a major film to announce the festival on Dec 7th. The deadlines cant converge so it will be in the spring.

The address is

The Bases Film Festival

Deadlines are Now March 17th 2015

I am making a announcement shortly.


So please keep sending in your entries!
We cant get the first Awards made in time. So we are having a Special screening of the Award winning new film, The Machine.
See website for details and Update 015C

Film Festival Update and more on Bases Arts, Music and Photography.
Anyone who gets their edit shown gets an Award Seeker Award!! Edits required by Nov 25th 2014.
Film Festival will be held at The Angel Cinema Devizes, Dec 5th 6th and 7th during the day.

Category: news