Bases at The Black Swan with Jane Shattock

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Jane Shattock on Human reincarnation and what happens when it goes badly wrong, (The wrong spiritual being is in the wrong body type expected for that being) concurrent with the data (16 special forces soldier) John Urwin was briefed on over 60 years ago.
Jane’s mother had data “from upstairs”, and here her daughter reads some of her works, for the first time, at the close of this her first ever public presentation, which is what “Bases at” series is all about. Miles opens the lecture series at The Black Swan, before introducing Jane. Max Spiers’s mother follows, and then David Moncoeur and the experiencer session

Crucially the audience had some members of the gay community, who were very grateful for her insights, as it explained personal perspective they have. Jane herself could not have children, due to mix race complications, which she goes into.

She is also a relative of James Casbolt, and gave some insights into this situation.

Category: bases