Bases 75 Part 5 Mimi’s message to Vancouver UF0 25 Oct2024

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Mimi Nelson was the key organiser of Vancouver UFO, She has been a stalwart in the Vancouver UFO community, until, she fell extremely ill, after being vaccinated with her knowledge or consent, by the Canadian Hospital system. Injected without consent. Suffering extreme Vaccine Damage.
Now she is full of cancers and other illnesses i every organ in her body. She’s facing a operation to remove 1/3rd of her lung in a few days (Date 25th Oct) she contacted Miles Johnston, so she could record this message for her UFO Group in Vancouver. She wanted it to be very clear, in the event of her death, it was not suicide, but vaccine damage.

Part 4 of Bases 75 she goes into much greater details, but due to YouTube’s support for the deadly vaccines, this is only a few minutes, so you must go to other platforms to see it.
All her previous contributions to Bases 75 are at

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