Bases 47 Part 2 with Pattie Brackett (Skype Briefing)

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Published on 28 Sep 2015

Pattie Brackett gives an adhoc briefing on various subjects, commencing with the Genome project. We will have see if this pans out.

This is a adhoc unreshersed lecture, and covers a wide range of important subjects. Its well known Pattie is highly controversial figure, and is a cross dresser. This has been used against what he says. The issue is, is there hard data in this to be of concern for us all. So if you can get past the barriers, possible we can wean something useful out of this.

A scientific mind needs to look carefully at the diagrams and charts used here, and we do need people to respond to this intelligently. A more formal presentation is planned. If this is true, we need to address our concerns and focus properly. The key issue is, Is Pattie correct?. The claims of many nuclear power stations in Europe having melt downs have to be revealed yet..if true. The Background radiation IS increasing when it rains, by about 30-40% in southern England. So Something is up.

Most of the views of a second sun, is atmospheric ‘lens’ flare, as there is now so much material in the atmosphere.
Now NASA has announced life was (is) on Mars, and it has had fresh water on the surface, such claims by the likes of Pattie Brackett come closer to focus.

Category: bases